In an ever changing world, massively multiplayer online role-playing game a.k.a MMORPGS have constantly evolved. Starting off from subscription based models and moving on to free to play games changed the way the gaming community perceived games. Coupled with the fact that it was new for the world to have so many online players present at the same time. It paved the way for the future of gaming.
1. What are Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Games (MMORPG)?
MMORPGs are games with an underline story and characters that people create or purchase to play with other players. While the game can belong to any genre, as long as it fulfills the basic criteria, it qualifies as a MMORPG. What sets these types of games apart from the conventional role playing games is the sheer number of players that are present online. In 2015, World of Warcraft amassed over 10 million active players and generated a revenue of over $1 billion making it one of the largest MMORPGs to date!
2. Cryptocurrency and MMORPGS
With Cryptocurrencies sweeping modern day markets, it was inevitable that they would find their way to the gaming industry. Games have an extensive history with creating online currencies exclusive to their respective platforms. We have Steam creating the Steam token and the Steam Dollar, both used for transactions on their gaming platforms. These currencies derive value based on player-base, limitations in supply and sometimes go beyond their gaming platforms and become globally relevant. Virtual worlds have developed a large following and with a few platforms where players are playing to earn, making this an exciting new twist on conventional open world games. By tokenizing and monetising in-game assets, games have successfully incorporated blockchain networks for in game trading and transactions. This not only enables players to have quick access to in-game currency, but also trickles down some value to these currencies in the real world and on some of the world’s most famous crypto market places.
3. Non-fungible tokens and MMORPGs
Fungible tokens have been a part of MMORPGs for years, often sold for prices based on rarity. These items, however, are not exclusive and can be bought or sold on platform specific marketplaces. Non-fungible tokens bring an interesting take on memorabilia,events or even in-game items. With drops of exclusive one of a kind items and the option to sell them on non-fungible token marketplaces, NFTs have taken the gaming world by storm. Providing gamers the option to play the game while also being on the lookout for rare items and memorabilia that can be dropped, mined or purchased from in-game marketplaces. These aesthetics create a more personalised interaction of the players in the game with the creators of the game.
4. NFT Marketplaces
A plethora of marketplaces are available for trading and selling NFTs. These marketplaces operate on different blockchains making some of these NFTs harder to trade across platforms. Not to worry though, because cross platform trading can be done through $Direwolf coins which are available on MetaMask and ready to be converted to any currency of your choosing. Though we suggest holding onto the coins because they are bound to increase in value. Some of the most popular platforms are on the Ethereum Blockchain which enable NFT creation and trading on their own standards. Similarly, Untamed Isles’ NFTs will be available to trade on Ether based marketplaces making collectibles from the game easily accessible and worth the hype globally!
5. $Direwolf’s journey
After establishing ourselves in the cryptocurrency realm, $Direwolf has established over 11000 holders in a short span of time. The next step in our journey is establishing $Direwolf as a decentralised currency for one of the world’s largest massively multiplayer online role-playing games which will be launching very soon. One that not only competes with some of the top coins but also has compatibility with multiple platforms to provide our users with the best gaming experience possible.
6. Join hands with Direworld and Untamed Isles
With the newest market trends incorporated into our system, we will bring you an experience like no other. Get your hands on some of the most interactive and exclusive NFTs available in the market with a game that will keep you involved beyond measure. With multiple options available to trade $Direwolf in, we will ensure you that there is an entire world left to explore.